
Birtenshaw has a team of Gym and Activities instructors that deliver sport in the school, college, Enrichment, Children’s homes and in the community. The team also deliver sessions from Birtenshaw gym, which is fantastic, inclusive environment that helps to promote confidence, mobility and social interaction. I know what you are thinking, “how do they do all of that” well.. The work doesn’t stop there as during school holidays the team run sports and activities holiday clubs, using our state of the art leisure facilities, such as the Birtenshaw Hydrotherapy centre, MUGA (multi use games area) and Sports hall.


Our recreational activities are all about trying new things and having fun outdoors. Whether it’s pond dipping, creating bug hotels, conservation of splashing in puddles.

It’s all about exploring and discovering!

Every summer our  Activities team provide all children that live in Birtenshaw children’s homes with a brochure for them to select a holiday to go on with their friends, which can include relaxing by the beach, fish and chip lunch followed by a night of evening entertainment, or… Canoeing, archery, abseiling and a night in a tent under the stars.

A number of Birtenshaw pupils are also participating in the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award which has helped them to gain new skills, improve physical health and mental wellbeing but more importantly having a whale of a time gaining new experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

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